Greetings New Zealand Franchising Leaders. I hope this message finds you well.
In this issue we touch on:
- FANZ National Franchise Conference 2022
- Prospective Franchisee Research – What do they want?
- Franchise Management Learning and Development Opportunities
- Motorcycle News
FANZ National Franchise Conference 2022
The 2022 FANZ National Franchise Conference was an absolutely marvellous event – delivering great learning, sharing of best practices, networking and just great downtime for all attendees. This really isn’t surprising given the lockdowns people have endured, coupled with now being a really important time in franchising – when there is such an array of forces making life for franchisors and franchisees (as for many other business models) more difficult and complex.
The conference contained a number of really valuable sessions, covering leadership, field management team, financial practices, legal updates and considerations, and much more.
Franchize Consultants team members, Adrienne, Glenn and Graham, were in attendance and involved – and I thank Graham for running the Field Management Best Practices roundtable in my absence. That roundtable provided the opportunity to explore and discuss a range of top franchise field management best practices designed to deliver great returns to franchisors and franchisees alike. Those practices are also part of the programme in our forthcoming training courses (see below).
Unfortunately for me, unexpected events can interrupt best laid plans. I was very organised for attending and contributing to the 2022 FANZ National Franchise Conference, including prepping my motorbike in the event of a flight cancellation. Then COVID struck a family member – so I dutifully stayed in Auckland.
The amazing Robyn and Susan of FANZ had anticipated that known possibility, so we had discussed what backups could be put in place. Accordingly, I’d like to sincerely thank Simon Lord of Franchise New Zealand Media, for picking up leading the panel entitled Sustaining Franchisee Performance and Satisfaction During Tough Times, involving Brad Jacobs (The Coffee Club), Tony Burnette (Exceed) and Greg Paget (Cleantastic).
The workshop we had planned on franchising governance and Franchise Advisory Councils, will run separately soon. In the meantime, we suggest you check out an article on franchising governance in the latest issue of Franchise New Zealand magazine.
Franchise Management Learning and Development Opportunities
Time to get your team’s learning and development plans populated with great Field Manager specific and/or general Franchise System Management training?
We have three specific one day (spread over two days) ‘building block’ courses for Field Managers:
- Franchise Field Visit Foundations – October 18 & 19 (1-5pm) – online
- Improving Franchisee Performance – October 25 & 26 (1-5pm) – online
- Franchisee Business Planning – November 1 & 2 (1-5pm) – online
We also have a two full day in-person Managing a Franchise System training programme, ideal for new franchisors and General Managers. This is held in-person at the Ramada Hotel in Newmarket, Auckland. The dates for the Managing a Franchise System course are Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 November. Both days are full days, from 9am to 5pm.
For more information on each, contact Adrienne ( or 09 523 3858).
How can we help you?
Contact us if you’re contemplating franchising a business or would like help with an established franchise network. We’d be very happy to sit down with you to understand your situation and objectives and explain the supporting services we provide.
Motorcycle News
Another dad and I have taken to organising a local dads midwinter camping trip, involving some tramping and some on motorbikes hunting gravel roads. This year we headed south of Raglan to Ruapuke – as suitably convenient but also [mildly] remote. While the trampers climbed Mt Karioi, the bikers explored the Aotea Harbour, Kawhia Harbour and the area around Marakopa Falls. If you’re into stunning scenery and a bit of gravel then I can’t recommend Hauturu Road enough. We then hugged the West Coast north of Raglan, returning home via the Nikau Caves and Port Waikato. I was reminded what a small world it is at the Nikau Caves Café, when we bumped into Philip Morrison of Franchise Accountants – on his Ducati.
All the best from myself and the team at Franchize Consultants.
Callum Floyd
Words From Our Clients
We are proud of the work we have undertaken with many leading local,
international and emerging franchise companies in New Zealand.
We engaged Callum Floyd and his team on a number of important and impactful projects over many years. Franchize Consultants’ unique mix of real world experience and practical, pragmatic solutions has meant that they continue to be a valued source of independent advice on outsource arrangements, network forms, business models and analysis.

Our journey in franchising started with franchising introductory courses provided by Franchize Consultants. They assisted us in putting together personalised Field Support and Mentoring solutions for our franchise business Pukeko Rental Managers and our unique franchise model. We are now putting all our field managers through their courses.

The JAE Group has worked closely with Franchize Consultants since 2015 on various initiatives. The knowledge and experience Callum, Graham and the team bring, have strengthened our network, tightened up our standards and challenged our thinking and processes. We would definitely recommend the services Franchize Consultants provide.