Robert has over 20 years’ experience in writing and implementing successful business plans.
He graduated from La Trobe University in Melbourne with a Bachelor of Economics degree. More recently, he undertook post-graduate study at the University of Auckland, completing a Diploma in Management.
His plans have been successfully implemented by businesses involved in banking, retailing, distribution, sponsorship, education and niche services (for example, an interior designer and a caterer).
The focus of Robert’s planning process is how the business will achieve the desired results. At Franchize Consultants (NZ) Ltd Robert works on strategic plans covering the feasibility of the franchise format and the practical implementation of that format into a comprehensive franchise development plan.
Robert’s practical franchise experience includes being part of the Bakers Delight franchise management team, and being the Caltex Franchise Manager.
Robert’s interests include family, sailing, gourmet food and wine and fly-fishing.